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Staff Re-Apply

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New member
Minecraft username:
- AntonioNB

Previous Minecraft usernames:


Age (Note: You must be 16 or over to apply):
- 19

Do you have access to Discord and a working microphone? (yes/no and state your discord tag):
- You know it baby.
- AntonioNB#6328

Do you have the ability to record Minecraft video?:
- Yes

Are you multilingual?
- I can speak a bit of German and I understand Italian. Bapidi Boopidi.

How much time do you have to contribute to the role?
- A lot right now lol. But ya’ll know I’m fairly active.

- Survival

Have you ever been banned from Xiavic before:
- Only for committing crimes against the state.

If yes to the question above, why (Otherwise just skip this question):
- Shits and giggles.

Do you have any previous server moderation or leadership experience?:
- Yes. In addition to running my own terrible server for a time, I’ve been a helper on another large survival server, and I’ve been Staff here for like 6 months or something.

Imagine a player is being rude on the server how do you evaluate the situation?( Example: what type of ban/ how long):
- It’s just a series, first you message them politely asking them to stop; if it continues, they get a warning; if that doesn’t help, they get kicked or temp-muted, and if it doesn’t stop there, they get temp-banned or perm-banned if they extent of the rudeness is too much and we don’t want them associated with the server. (IE calling people racial slurs or being a pervert).

You are playing on the server and you see an hacker going crazy on pvp and then you see an x-ray one how do you evaluate? (Use same example as before): - We can’t have them ruining the server for other people, so either of those things would result in a perm-ban. They can appeal on the forums if they want.

Why should we accept you? (Why is your application different from the ones we already recieved or will recieve):
- I like to think I’m pretty kind and I handle being a mod with just enough seriousness. I’m active on both the server and discord and at least acquaintances with the other staff and prominent players. I been on the server for over a year, and it’s safe to say I that enjoy it, so it would only be fair to make the player experience better for others the way the server did for me.

Anything else we should know?
- I am best girl.


Welcome back to the staff team even tho the FBI files says that you shouldn't be walking free >.> but ahm yeah!
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